Home > Available Light Language > Alchimie du Coeur

Alchimie du Coeur

Size: 50x40cm
Year: 2024
Technique: Acrylic and Pure Energy on canvas
Status: Available


The need for Healing
isn’t reserved to obvious suffering

As soon as we incarnated,
From Source we separated

since then we search insatiably
For an outside dose of ecstasy

From separation we subtly suffer,
Reunion seems the only answer

We can all learn
The way to return:
As it is Inside our body
That Lies the All-mighty,
Our Divine Father Mother,
Our infinite lover

Here in each instant,
If we are deeply present,
And learn the art
Of opening our heart

By softening, contemplating,
slowing down and listening
The healing is instant,
The light abundant.
While True liberation
Replaces agitation.

It feels like Infinite love,
A truth from above
When we let our eternal friend
Guide us by the hand,
Paint through us smoothly
Speak for us lovingly.

Then life becomes light,
Even suffering is delight,
As we remember
The hidden treasure,
The guiding benediction
To a better direction

It seems our vocation
Once we find reunion
Is to spread its vibration.
A love transmission,
Through Inspired action
While we remain wide open.

As I paint,
It is divine union I celebrate,
And sacred light the transmission
Held within each creation

in that sense of the meaning
I say my Art’s purpose is healing,
Acting as messenger,
Helping re-member.

As the touched viewer softens,
His inner temple opens
To a portal of revelation,
A divine dialogue; Reunion…

Through my art,
Bridging the mind and the heart,
I dream into being
A world that stops feeding,
the war narrative, the boxing ring.

Where our talents such as painting
Are put in service of reconciliation
Healing the wound of separation
Paving a path to unity
Aligning with divine energy

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