Home > Available Vibrant > Return to Innocence
Return to Innocence
Size: 200x140cm
Year: 2024
Technique: Acrylic Pure Energy on Canvas
Status: Available
What deeply unites us all as humans? Could it be our wounds? Once we are capable to accept to live with ours, without pride trying to save us from feeling wounded ever again & making us ignore it, once we dare to feel them fully, to welcome them as dear friends, to admit how they yet prevent us from living fully (knowing we progress, reconcile, liberate and feel stronger & more aligned each time we dare to visit them inside ourself) and thank everything they teach us & bring us as sacred gift, such as the divine gift of compassion for ourselves & others. Isn’t it THE gift by excellence we should all learn to cultivate in order to step by step be able to create a peaceful world?
Oh what if we celebrated/painted our wounds, our fears, our anger, as a way to dialogue with our inner child?! as s/he feels heard & allowed then s/he can start to play again, unafraid to show its true identity, freed from fear & blockages as everything in this space is allowed, loved & accepted. So from the cross (at the bottom of the painting) springs the joy of the inner child daring to be pure free & innocent again (hence the joyful yellow & tender pastel pink/blue/green). And down the cross, as the foundation of the painting, of our spine, of who we fundamentally are & unfortunately forget we are as human beings are symbols of unity: aleph, Vesica piscis, roses, ankh, 5/8 pointed star. On top of the cross is the only true crown, the one from the kingdom of the heart. Once we re-member & become sovereign of that kingdom, we can create heaven on Earth. Dare to be innocent divine childs again (& sovereign kings & queens, Fathers & Mothers of the kingdom of love we could all harmoniously be part of). Who joins my dream? I painted it so it could come true. While I was healing one of my dark moments, as we will live plenty in our beautiful lifes, many deaths & rebirths, each time opportunities to come back more open, faithful, stronger, able to love more unconditionally.
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